NRI Property Lawyer In Hyderabad

NRI Property Lawyer In Hyderabad

Property Lawyers In Hyderabad, Property advocates in hyderabad

Searching for a Best property lawyers in Hyderabad, Telangana? you are at the right place, Sai Krishna Azad is one of the Top lawyers in Hyderabad for the property.

What is Property Law in India?

Property law is the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership and tenancy in real property and in personal property, within the common law legal system. Wikipedia

It is basically of two types:

Real property or immovable property
Personal property or movable property
We Don’t discuss personal or movable property here.

What is Real property or Immovable property?

Immovable property is an immovable object, an item of property that cannot be moved without destroying or altering it – property that is fixed to the earth, such as land or a house. Wikipedia

Types of Property Cases Our Law Firm Deals With
Property Disputes
Rental Disputes
Sale or Transfer
Title Verification

Property Disputes
We represent/defend our clients in their most challenging and complex property related issues in the following areas:

Sale/Purchase of Property
Property/Rental Disputes
Transfer of Property
Inheritance of Property
Title Verification
Partition of Property
Evaluation of Property
Lease of Property
Drafting Property Deeds

Rental Disputes

We offer the best service like a legal opinion to preserve their rights and in solving the landlord and tenant disputes.

Below are the few common disputes between landlord and tenant

Rental arrears
Breaking or enforcing the lease
Return of security deposit
Illegal possession
Illegal sub-tenancy
Repair disputes
Rental Increase
Maintenance payments

Sale or Transfer of property

We help our clients to make safe legal sale/transfer of property transaction to avoid future litigation.

In legal terms selling or Buying property undergoes many steps

Verifying the title of the property [free from encumbrances, mortgage, litigation and etc.,]
Sale agreement shall be made
Agreed cost of the property between buyer and owner
Advance/Token amount given by the buyer
Time span in which the actual sale should take place
What procedure has to be adopted if any of the parties default the agreement
How the losses have to be covered if any of the parties default
Particulars of the land
Note: Make sure agreement is drafted carefully, because of it is possible to both parties to default and get away with it.

Note: Make sure that registration of property within the time limit mentioned in the agreement.

Things Buyer need to take while registration

Original title deed
Previous deeds [link documents]
Previous tax receipts
Torrence plan

Property Document or Title verification
Spending little amount on property document title verification can save you from huge amount and time on legal litigation.

We Provide property document verification, title verification services for our clients to determine the authenticity of the document presented by owners/buyers of the property.

NRI Property Services in Hyderabad

We offer a special service for NRI’s i.e. If you came to know that someone is selling a property in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

We as an advocate take all the required actions like verifying the property and etc. and give you a legal opinion and if you are satisfied with it, you transfer required funds and service charges we will make that property register on your name.

Many NRI’s were telling us that we gave money to our relatives or friends to purchase a property but they purchased on their names and some misused the money. That is why we are offering this service as a legal practitioner.

Why Are We The Best Property Advocates In Hyderabad?
Mr. Sai Krishna Azad turned out as the best legal adviser and practitioner in Hyderabad proving his excellence in property case he holds.

Mr. Sai Krishna Azad splendid thrown all the property cases that walked up to his table into a fruitful basket throughout his unalloyed carries with more than a decade of experience.


15+ Years of Experience
Specialized in Property Law
Dealt with more than 100+ property cases

How Property Lawyers in Hyderabad Help?
We Property Lawyers in Hyderabad help clients in any kind of real estate related legal issue.

We property lawyers are very professional, skilled and familiar with all aspects of property issues and provisions of security involved in financial transactions.

If you or your known ones are in need of any legal help in property issues in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and all over India. Please take an appointment with one of our highly skilled and experienced real estate advocates.

We real estate advocates have proven experience and deliver the justice that you truly deserve in a short time.


1. What is Freehold and Leasehold Property

Freehold property can be defined as an estate which is “free from hold” of any entity besides the owner. Hence, the owner of such an estate enjoys free ownership for perpetuity and can use the land for any purposes however in accordance with the local regulations. Source

You only own a leasehold property for a fixed period of time. You’ll have a legal agreement with the landlord (sometimes known as the ‘freeholder’) called a ‘lease’.

This tells you how many years you’ll own the property. Ownership of the property returns to the landlord when the lease comes to an end. Source

2. Does a married daughter have any rights on her father’s property?

Sai Krishna Azad Famous NRI Advocate In Hyderabad

Sai Krishna Azad  NRI Advocate in Hyderabad. We are the law pioneers of legal services for NRIs. Our purpose is to offer a proactive and hassle legal services to overseas Indians. We deal with all type of NRI services like NRI Property CasesNRI Divorce CasesNRI Civil MattersNRI Commercial litigations and more. We can provide complete NRI Legal Services.


Sai Krishna Azad  NRI Advocate in Hyderabad. We provide our NRI Legal Services to both states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh who lives all over India and in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Germany, Europe and other countries. Our offices Located in Nallakunta Hyderabad,  Kondapur In Hyderabad, Tarnaka in Secunderabad, Texas in USA, In Andhra Pradesh Vijayawada, Guntur, Visakhapatnam.

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